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Core Ministry Values

Biblical Teaching – Our first value is Biblical Teaching. We strive to teach God’s Word with integrity and authority. (2 Timothy 3:16) God-Honoring Worship – We strive to acknowledge God’s supreme value and worth in our personal lives and in the contemporary worship of our church. (Romans 12:1-2) Authentic Community – We desire to care and address the needs of others as well as commit ourselves to participate in biblically functioning small groups. (Acts 2:44-46) Evangelism and Lost People – We wish to do our part in spreading the good news about Jesus Christ, to value unchurched and lost people and use every available Christ-honoring means to pursue, win and mature them. (Luke 19:10) Grace-Orientation to Life and Ministry – We encourage our people to live and serve Christ from hearts of love and gratitude rather than guilt, shame and condemnation. (Romans 6:14) Mobilized Congregation – We desire to equip all our uniquely designed and gifted people to effectively accomplish the work of the ministry. (Ephesians 4:11-13) Creativity and Innovation – We will constantly evaluate our forms and methods, seeking cultural relevance and maximum ministry effectiveness for Christ. (I Chronicles 12:32) Excellence – Since God gave His best (the Savior) we seek to honor Him by maintaining a high standard of excellence in all our ministries (Colossians 3:23,24)


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