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Our Mission and Vision

Central Christian Church of Caldwell, Kansas seeks to honor God by ….

…Offering creative and inspiring worship that we may glorify God so that love for one another and the world will abound.

…Living out His Word, sharing the Good News both in work and deed.

…Committing ourselves to discover and use our God given talents to minister to all within our sphere of influence and work for unity of purpose in order to spread the Kingdom of God.

Our vision statement never changes. It is our “polar star”. Something to strive for and coming oh, so close to fully accomplishing each idea. Come along side and help us fulfill this dream.

Our Current Mission Statement

Central Christian Church seeks to allow the Word of God to become a living being through each one of us and in return witness changed lives.

We review our mission periodically and when needed change it completely to meet a particular desire or goal. Currently we desire to be truly changed into new creatures in Christ which comes about by obedience to His Word. Come along beside us and witness the change in others and yourself.


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